Photo courtesy of JR East
Please find accessibility information of Chiyoda ward, Chuo ward and Nakano ward in Tokyo.
Chiyoda ward
Chuo ward
Nakano ward
What is a walkable city? Under the theme of "What is a walkable city?", people who feel inconvenienced by various barriers and people who do not feel inconvenienced by various barriers get together to create and disseminate maps for walking in the city.
In order to realize a livable and walkable city, we, Live with Dream, will continue to send out our dream of a wonderful city from Chiyoda Ward to the world through our city walking as a survey of the city and making maps of the walkable city.
I sincerely hope that this site will be of some help to you.
* We have been certified as a registered group by the Chiyoda ward Council of Social Welfare and the Chiyoda Volunteer Center.
* We have been certified as a registered organization of the Chuo ward Collaborative Station.